Thursday, 10 December 2020

Amazing, Awesome, Anaura Bay Camp

This year we couldn't have action week because of Covid 19 so on the second to last week of school, we went on a three day camp at Anaura Bay. It was really fun and we got to do lots of really fun things while we were there. On the first day, we put our tents up and then we got to chill out for a bit. I went swimming but the waves were tiny so you couldn't really do anything but it was nice to be in the ocean. It was also really cold.  We also played lots of Coney Island and we even played it on the beach which was really fun. 

Manawanui, another class at our school, was having their camp down the road so we walked down there for our dinner.  While we were there, we played some swing ball and some volleyball. There was also some swings which were fun to go on. After dinner, we headed back to our camp and got to play spotlight and the year seven girls were the only group that found everyone. It was probably helpful that our class is mainly year seven girls. We got to send the night in the tent and when we woke up we had breakfast and then I went for another swim. 

When I had finished and everyone had had breakfast, us girls moved our bags into the Marae. The Marae, Hinetamatea, was where we would be spending our second night. A lady came to talk to us about erosion and how the earth has changed over time. We went for a little walk and she explained how the waves affected the bank and showed us some places that have been affected by erosion. Walking back to camp, we saw an old rusty tractor or something like that buried in the sand. After the lady left, Eenor and I started to bury our feet in the sand. When we were finished, even the shortest kids in our class were taller than us. Then for dinner, Manawanui came to our camp for dinner. We played some coney island and then when it got to dark we played some more spotlight. 

We also played lots of card games and some people played chess. Then we went to bed in the marae. The next morning for breakfast, we had some leftovers, I had an American Hot dog. Then for morning tea, we got to eat crayfish - which I love. Crayfish is kind of like a lobster but better in my opinion. The camp was really fun and I hope we can go back next year. 

I hope you have enjoyed my post, there is a video below with some of the picture from camp. I hope you like it, don't forget to comment so that I can improve.

Caitlyn :)

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Amazing Art

 For Manaiakalani this week we were looking at a blog about art. We got given some art to choose from and then we had to change the colour of it. I don't know the name of the original art but the first is the original and the second is mine. I know my one is not very good but I was playing around with the colours and I made my one blue and tried to make it look like someone from Avatar. Don't forget to comment so that I can improve and I hope you like it. 


Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Super Sharp

 In literacy, we do sharp reading. During sharp, we train our brains to think accurately while reading. First we have to read the first paragraph in our heads and then we read the first sentence with our group. After that whoever is taking us will choose someone to unpack the sentence. Unpacking the sentence is basically explaining in our own words what we think the sentence means. After we have finished we have to do one on the deep four about the sentence. The deep four are I think this means, I know this because, I wonder why and I have a picture. 

After the session of Sharp we often have to do a follow up task. This time we had to answer some questions about the piece of writing that we did our sharp on. The first one was about a man who's pet magpie died and he needed to find another one. The second one was about an old man on a quest to find a life saving object... His false teeth!

Don't forget to comment so that I can improve.

Caitlyn :)

The slide below is the questions and my answers...

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Cliff Jump

 Since the orientation day for our school is coming up we had to write a piece of writing to put up on the wall. We have a piece that we wrote at the start of the year and one that we wrote now so that you can see the change in our writing. The topic was A Moment in Time. I did mine about jumping off a cliff - you probably guessed from the title though. We had to include the different sentence styles that we have been learning from Write that Essay. We also had to use the tools that we had been learning in Manaiakalani so our piece wasn't allowed to be black and white. I used Canva. 

Please comment so that I can improve. I hope you like it,

Caitlyn :)

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Marvelous Media

 In manaiakalani this week, we had to create a poster explaining what media is. I found out that there are three main types of media which are Print Media, Broadcast Media and News Media. I did my poster on Canva. I found it really fun to learn about and do. Next time I would probably add more information to the text. I hope you like my poster and learn some new things about media. Please comment so that I can improve. 

Caitlyn :) 

Spectacular Sentences

 Last term, we had to create something that was exactly 60s long explaining how to write two different sentences. The reason why we are doing this is because we were learning how to write different sentences of Write that Essay which is an app that we use in class. Some of the sentences include the ING start sentence, the semicolon sentence, the ED start, the EM dash and more sentences. The two me and my friend Felicia decided to do are the ING start sentence and the semicolon sentence. I hope you like the video. Don't forget to comment so that I can improve. 

Caitlyn :)

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Poster My Wall - Maths

For Manaiakalani this week we had to create something to explain what we are doing in our PR1ME books at the moment. I am on Chapter 8 Percentages. At first I found Percentages hard but then I found an easy way to do them. I hope my way helps you. 

Design created with PosterMyWall

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Perfect Piskels

On an earlier post I showed you my Piskel pig, you guys gave me some amazing comments so I have decided to show you some of the other Piskels that I have made. They are really fun and easy to make. If you would like to use the app then click on the link...

This first one is of Groot a character from the Marvel™... 
 This next one is of a frog...     

I also made a rabbit and a pineapple...

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Stereotype, speech

Recently we have been writing our speeches, I did my speech on stereotypes. If you don't know what a stereotype is then read my speech! :) I believe that stereotypes are a big part of bullying that doesn't really get recognized. It took me quite a while but it was worth it. I am looking for ways to make my writing better so if you have any suggestions then they would be appreciated. 
Thanks, Caitlyn :)

It is not what someone is born but what they grow to be - Albus Dumbledore. One of the most common forms of bullying that is often overlooked is stereotypes. For those of you who don't know, stereotyping is basically assuming what someone is like based on their looks, hobbies and gender. The exact opposite of the saying, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Some of the most common stereotypes that I don't agree with are that people with blonde hair are dumb, it's bad for men to show emotion, Boys are better than girls at sport and people who read to much are geeks. I don't think that people should stereotype others because it's mean and hurtful.

My least favorite one is that people with blonde hair are dumb I mean come on we can do better than that. I was doing a math test once and this girl came up to me. She asked me what I was doing at the test, so I told her that I was there because I was smart enough to be. She asked me if there had been a mistake because I had blonde hair and everyone knows that people with blonde hair are dumb. I took a step closer to her and told her not to judge people on their looks but on their personality. We finished the test and I soon found out that I bet her!! Your hair color doesn’t change anything about you except for your appearance.
Remember the four stereotypes that I have said are just a few of the hundreds out there. Have you ever stereotyped anyone before?  If you have, I want you to make a change and stop stereotyping. You can’t change the past but you can change the future.

One of the most common stereotypes is that boys are better than girls at sports. I mean what nonsense that's just wrong. Who said that girls can’t run as fast as boys, swim as fast, bike as fast. I mean we can do just as well if we put our minds to it. I have played many sports  where the girls have bet the boys. The reason why boys generally do better in sports is because they get exposed to more opportunities when they are young. It is proven that there is no difference between girls and boys until the age of eight. From there on is when the change happens because boys are welcomed into the sporting community and girls are told that they aren't as good as the boys.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. George R.R Martin. Many of you that like reading have probably been called a bookworm before right? But have you been called a geek? Lots of people get called a geek because they like reading. Reading doesn’t define if you are a geek or not, a geek is someone who is a technology and academic enthusiast and a bookworm is someone who loves to read.There is a difference. You usually read because you enjoy it but that doesn’t mean you are a geek. Although there is nothing wrong with being a geek.

Have you ever fallen over and felt the need to hold in your tears and your hurt? Been told that you should Suck it up buttercup? You shouldn’t need to. Men show very little emotion when they hurt themselves because they feel like they need to be strong or their friends might call them weak. Boys shouldn’t need to hold in their hurt because there is nothing wrong with crying.It’s scientifically proven that holding back tears is actually bad for your health and can result in you feeling even worse than you were. If a boy starts to cry rather than laugh and call them weak, talk to them and ask what's wrong. Don’t judge people on how they act because you don’t know what's going on inside them.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Game Dev - Tipu

Today we were learning how to create a game using scratch, we had to code and create the game ourselves. It was really fun being able to change all of the things, and see the finished product. The website we used which is Scratch is really fun and easy to use, it's also free! We used a template for our games but we added the sound, characters, questions, pictures and answers by ourselves. We had to create the questions for our younger buddy classes at Mangapapa school. Since we are learning maori in class the questions we asked had to be about Maori. Also do you think the questions are too hard or too easy for a year 5/6 class?

Thanks, Caitlyn :)

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Piskel Piggy

For Manaiakalani we are going to be creating a game to teach some year 3's and 4's about Māori. We haven't started creating the game yet because we needed to create our avatar first. We used an app called Piskel, I drew a picture of a pig or in Māori a poaka. I found it hard to get the shape for the pig right because you have to draw using squares. I found it easy to colour the pig in one I drew the outline. Next time I will know how to use the app and I might try to shade my drawing a bit more. It took me about two days to create! Do you think it looks ok?
Thanks, Caitlyn

Friday, 29 May 2020

Welcome to Cyber-Fails News.............

For manaiakalani this week we had to record a video about how to hold your computer properly. So that our manaiakalani teacher, Mr Fourie could show them to some of the junior classes that he is teaching. I did mine with oof my friends Sierra. We made a We Video and pretended to be new presenters for Cyber-Fails News. We found it hard to be serious when we were recording the video because we kept laughing. We found it easy to put together the video and we learnt how to make a video go from normals speed to slow motion and then back to normal speed. 

Please comment on my blog so that I can improve. Hope you enjoy......

Lockdown Good or Bad??

Over lockdown we had to write a persuasive essay about whether we think that lock dow is good or bad and if we think it was working or not. In my opinion I think that lockdown is good and that it is working. I found it hard at first to find good ideas for my points. I learnt quite a bit about lockdown and what its good for. I found it easy to write the essay once I got my ideas. 

Please comment on my post so that I can improve. Hope you enjoy...........

Is Lockdown Working?
I think that the lock down is good because in the long run we won't have to deal with an outbreak of the virus. It means that we can get back to normal faster- well we would be mostly back to normal. Lockdown helps stop the spread of the virus, we can then eradicate it faster, if we do a hard few strong months we can get back to doing our everyday things and not be stuck inside for much longer.

The first reason why I think that the lockdown is good is that it it helps reduce the spread of the virus. It stops it being spread through community transmission by us being too close to other people. without all of the contact with others it means that the virus wont spread as fast. We can track who the infected person was with easier than when we are doing our everyday things. Also less people will have the chance to be infected. We can then stop the spread of the virus and save many more people's lives, jobs, and family. The only thing that we want to do is stop Covid 19. Lock down will help eradicate Covid 19.

A bonus of being a small island in the middle of the ocean by ourselves is that is will be easier to get rid of Covid 19. Here in New Zealand we have 1,472 confirmed and probable cases according the the ministry of health. Over in Italy they have 201,505 confirmed and probable cases. Being a small country we can track who has been in contact with who so we can eradicate Covid faster. In Italy however they have many bordering countries so if they get it down to low numbers another country could just reinfect Italy. As we started lockdown before it got out of hand we can eradicate it faster and then have it gone when the other countries are just getting it under control.

If we do a few solid hard months of lockdown then we can stop the virus and go back to normal well as close to normal as we can go after being in quarantine for a few months. Few countries will be able to come out when we do because they will still be trying to stamp out the disease to get back into low numbers. We can do stuff with people from other bubbles like sport, school, work and other activities that you do. after we do the hard mahi we can come together as a thriving community and help those who were affected by Covid 19. The two meter rule will be gone from New Zealand before other countries who didn't do the work when we did. It's like the old saying goes 'do the mahi get the treats'.

In Conclusion I think that it is good because it helps reduce the spread of the virus, we can stamp it out as a small country and we can come together as a thriving community sooner rather than later. I think that the sooner we can eradicate Covid 19 the better. It we help save many people's families from losing a loved one or their jobs. So in my opinion I think that lockdown is working.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Covid Reflection Video

Fpr Cybersmart this week we had to make a WeVideo about the Best, Worst and Weirdest thing from lockdown. I learnt how to show multiple videos at the same time. I found it hard to record all of the videos and waiting for the right time until I realised that I could look at the time on the original video!! Here is the video please comment so that I can improve. Hope you enjoy. :D

Thursday, 7 May 2020

ANZAC Slides

Before lockdown we started working on an ANZAC poster to put up around the classroom On the poster we were going to put on some information about ANZAC day and what it means to us. We had to answer some questions on a slide so that we could easily put it on the poster. Now that we are in lockdown we couldn't put it on the poster so we just made the slides really good. Below is my slideshow please comment so that I can improve. Hope you enjoy....

Friday, 24 April 2020

Colouring on Canva

For manaiakalani this week we had to draw and image to do with ANZAC day using canva. I found it fun but it was hard to get a straight line. I liked blending the colours to create the sun set/rise effect. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

ANZAC Animation

Kia Ora,

For our cybersmart project this week we had to do an animation to do with war. I chose to do mine on Hester Maclean who is part of the NZANS (New Zealand Army Nursing Service). The start of the animation is about Hester and the rest (from the off to war part) is what I made up myself. I hope you enjoy the animation, please comment so that I can improve my work.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Caitlyn - About me

Kia Ora,
My name is Caitlyn. I am a year seven at Gisborne Intermediate.
Please comment on my blog to help me improve!