Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Weather predictions

Today for reading we did how people predicted the weather before they had modern technology.
We had an extra challenge of doing a diagram of two different clouds and their differences.
Here is mine.

How you pronounce the words is like this: Nimbostratus is pronounced Nim-bo-strat-us.
Stratocumulus is pronounced strat-o-cum-a-lis.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Private passwords

Last week Koka Maria taught us about strong passwords. Strong passwords can be the starting letters from a phrase or a sentence. For example Harry Potter is the best book in the world will be:

Then you can change some of the letters to a capital, number or symbol.

Then It could be changed to this:

Here is another example:
Strawberry jam on toast is great with cheese


Then we change it to :

Make sure your password is strong!